3 such dangerous countries, which are always ready to protect India

3 such dangerous countries, which are always ready to protect India

 Friends, you are once again warmly welcomed.  Friends, today we are going to discuss with you about three such dangerous nations of the world, who always help to protect India.


 Spices of friendship between Russia and India are given in other countries.  This friendship of both countries is very old.  Together they have built many big weapons.  Hindustan is considered the second largest market for its defense industry, so Russia is always ready to protect India.


 Hindustan is considered the largest buyer of Israeli high-tech military equipment in the world.  In 1965, when India and Pakistan were at war, Israel helped India a lot.


 Japan started friendship with Hindustan in 1949, due to technology, which has established its own identity in the whole world.  When Hindustan sent two elephants to Tokyo to boost the morale of the defeated Japanese Empire.  Today the friendship of these two is so good, that any enemy country would think 10 times to attack India more.  If there is any kind of attack on Hindustan, Japan will first come forward to help.


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